I am now heading towards 31 weeks pregnant and Summer has certainly arrived. Its been 33 degrees today, which when your the size of a double Decker bus, is quite a challenge.
So i have officially left work, it feels so strange that I'm not going back for months! I can see there being several occasions where i wake up in a panic thinking I'm late for work! Leaving work has proven quite an emotional experience. I was rather overwhelmed to receive several wonderful gifts and cards from all of my friends ( I'll put pictures on later). I really am going to miss them all. I'm arranging a 'leaving meal' for Friday night, we always have a good time when we all get together so I'm really looking forward to it!
Iv tried to make contact with a few friends to try and arrange some get togethers, but only heard back from one so far, so I'll try sending some messages out on facebook and see what i can do.
Pregnancy-wise there isn't a lot to report at the moment really, baby is still in there, and still wriggling away. The kicks and wriggles are really quite strong now too :)
My feet are beginning to swell which isn't pleasant, and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to get in and out of Adams car unassisted. The sleep situation still isn't brilliant, but at least now i don't have to be getting up for work, so i can pretty much snooze whenever i feel like it.
This week is proving a bit of a challenge as Adams gone to Portugal to referee a huge football tournament, which is a really big deal in his career. There are teams from all over the world, and he's getting to meet some pretty important people, so its really exciting. However, its the longest we have ever been apart and I'm finding it really difficult! He's only been gone for two days and i feel like its been a lifetime. Not that i have ever not valued him, but its really making me realize how much i depend on him, especially at the moment. He's my best friend and I'm feeling completely lost without him. It was quite worrying this morning too, i received some messages from him and he was really not enjoying it to begin with, they weren't feeding him and his accommodation is what can only be compared to that of an animals! I hate knowing that he's being treated badly over there, it makes us being apart even more unbearable. He's text me again this evening though and he seems to be settling in a lot better now. He's done 5 matches today so he's going to be exhausted! Apparently a lot of the Portuguese Referees have left, and most of the Italian ones have gone on strike, so i think they are going to have to really look after the ones who remain! I'm so proud of him and cant wait to have him back, only 5 days to go!
I'm trying to find little things to do each day to keep me busy and stop me getting bored. I had a wander into a little nearby town today and picked up some things for my hospital bag.
* 30 Maternity pads (ew)
*200 nappy bags
* 40 Breast pads
* A roll of cotton wool
I'm just trying to pick up little bits at a time now, but i get paid tomorrow so might be able to pick some more stuff up then. Iv got a nice little pink suitcase, so I'm going to start putting things together tonight.
My mum and I went to a car boot sale yesterday morning and got some incredible bargains!
*An 'I love my bear' moses basket and stand
*Sheets and blankets
* Tiny baby vests.

So we are getting more and more prepared now! We had the nursery carpet fitted on Thursday too, it looks beautiful and i cant wait to get everything in there (even though the furniture could be another 10 weeks!) I've got a nice day planned tomorrow, I'm getting up earlyish and heading off to my friends baby shop. I'm going to have a look for some of the things we still need and hopefully have a nice catch up with her. Then I'm heading into town to meet another friend for a drink.
I'll pop more photos on later :)
Love love love xxxx
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