There's not a lot to report at the moment I'm afraid. We have a new car (Ronald) which is beautiful, and VERY child friendly. It has a huuuge boot and plenty of space. Its going to be more money going out each month, but Harold (the C3) would have cost us a straight out payment if approx £1500! We'd had so much work done on him, and he kept going wrong, so we figured we'd be better off to have a new car and start again.
Another exciting note: We've made a definite decision about nursery furniture too. We've both fallen head over heels for the same range, and it should last up until Buttons about 5! (Then it can be used again for baby number two!!)
Speaking of baby number two.. Adam turned to me the other day and said 'I think I'd quite like us to have about 6 in total!!'... lets just get this one out first!!
We've worked out a strict budget so that we can afford everything we want, at the appropriate times, so i hope that turns out well.
The weathers been beautiful all week, now iv got my ONE weekend off, its not looking so sparkling, typically!! We are going to the park to feed the ducks later though, which I'm rather excited about. Then i might see if i can persuade Adam to take us to Ikea to get some wooden baby coat hangers and little bits.
We've both been really poorly this week, Adam first, now I'm feeling the full on effects of it! Stuffed up nose, chesty cough, sneezing fits, occasional high temperature, banging headache and acheyness. Not enjoying it one little bit, but I'm determined its not going to ruin my weekend off. Adam usually referees approx 4 matches on a Saturday, and he only has one today, at 8pm! So we need to make the most of the day together!
On a less positive note, iv been a little worried, i don't feel like iv felt Button move half the amount i was before. I'm trying not to get to worried about it, its probably that iv not been concentrating on it as hard, along with me being a bit run down. Our friend Katie rents out Doppler's, so I'm going to see if i can borrow that to have a listen at whats going on in there!
Speaking of Katie, on Tuesday night we went to help her move into her new shop, which is loads bigger and better. Iv been really wanting one of those nursing chairs, with the footstool that rock. They are soo comfy and make feeding so much easier, and i think it would look amazing in the nursery! They tend to range from about £200 though so we'd said we would see where the budget takes us. When we got to Katie's shop she had one there, i sat in it and fell in love. She said we could have it for £50! So its a done deal! I'm soo excited. I gave her £10 there and then, and I'm going on Monday to pay the rest. I also noticed she had an express machine for £5 instead of £30ish, so if that's still there I'm going to pick that up too! She will have literally saved us hundreds!
Adams still really excited, he's planning on getting the nursery decorated as soon as his reffing season ends, as he'll have the weekends free again! I cant wait until its done!
I sat and cut out some newspaper pieces to the shape and size of each piece of furniture we're having in there, so we've been having a move around to see where we want everything, which is great fun!
Love love love xxx