I cant believe how quickly the girls are growing up. When I think back to my very first blog post, it doesn't seem like two minutes ago we we're desperately wanting a baby, and now, she's about to start Nursery! People always say 'they're not babies for long' but you never really grasp how true that is until you become a parent yourself.
Dear Isabelle, tomorrow is your very first trial session at your big girl nursery. I am so sorry that i cant be there with you, but Daddy is really looking forward to taking you, and sharing this special day with you. It feels like a matter of days since you were placed into my arms for the very first time, and i fell head over heels for you. I blinked, and here we are, your first trial day at nursery. It breaks my heart a bit to think of you starting Nursery properly in January. That will officially bring an end to you being my baby, and having full days at home with me on my days off. However, i know you'll absolutely love it and i cant wait to see all the brilliant things you get up to while you're there.

You had your operation four days before your birthday, to remove the lump on your face. It was a very difficult day, but you were so so brave, and you really made us proud.
You had a fantastic Birthday, we met Auntie Abi, Uncle Paul, Mama, Papa, Grandad and Nanny Sue at Toby Carvery and had a lovely breakfast. We then went back to Mama's house for you to open all of your presents, before going to your very special party, with all of your family and friends (and a special visit from Peppa Pig). Finally, we went back to Grandma's for you to finish opening all of your lovely presents.
You are lovely with Chloe (most of the time) and put great effort into teaching her things. You're currently very proud as you've taught her to walk, and love to walk round the house holding hands with her. You're speech is incredible now, and you often surprise us with some of the big words you come out with, such as 'especially, tremendous, organisation, ridiculous' etc
Some of our favourite Izzy quotes from over the past few months are ...
* "I love my new knickers, Mummy. They make my bottom happy"
*"I think i should get a sticker for that sneeze, mummy. That was the brilliantest sneeze I've ever sneezed"
* Me: Izzy, please don't drop everything all over the floor!
Izzy: I'm not dropping it all over the floor mummy.... I'm PLACING it all over the floor.
So as you can see, you are such a funny little character and never fail to make us......
**Once again I had to stop mid blog and have taken weeks to get back into it, all if the above was written a good 6 weeks ago, and I'm hearing the occasional little Chloe squeak from her bedroom now, but I'm determined to finish and publish this post tonight!!**

As usual, Adam and I were awake before the girls on Christmas day, we laid there waiting to hear footsteps on the landing. The first thing we heard was an excited shriek of "It's full!!" when Isabelle found her stocking.
With Boxing Day came my 25th Birthday, which was exactly 4 years since we took that very special test and found out we were expecting our little 'button', which of course brought the start of this blog! Boxing day was spent at the village hall, with Adams side of the family, a lovely buffet and a great deal more presents! I literally feel like we need an extension to fit all these lovely new things in!
We have made a few new years resolutions, we both want to work hard to shift the extra weight that we've gained over the past few years. I'm determined that this is the year I will take (and pass) my driving test, we plan to declutter a lot at home, and complete the building work we started last year.

You are surprisingly brilliant at following instructions considering your age. You'll happily take washing to the wash basket, tidy toys away, fetch your shoes etc when you're asked to and you've even recently started trying to take your pots to the kitchen when you've finished a meal or a drink.
We'll both really miss Isabelle when she starts nursery on Thursday, but at the same time it'll be nice to have some one to one time with you, as you've never really had that.
Your love for books has just suddenly grown a great deal, you're always going to the bookshelf, choosing story and climbing onto my lap with it.
Your favourite song at the moment is "Miss Polly had a Dolly" and you know all of the signs!
It really feels like you've just suddenly started to develop at such a fast pace, you're changing all the time! It's exciting to see, but scary at the same time! You're around 17 1/2 months old now, I cant believe how fast that time has gone!
Another of my New Years Resolutions is going to be to try and do more blogging, as I really do enjoy it, and love to read back on old posts. It's just so hard to find time amongst work, parenting, housework, college, placement and stacks of assignments, but I guess I just need to make time.
Happy New Year to all my readers! Enjoy your new chapter, and squeeze everything you can out of it, I certainly intend to.
Love love love,
Mummy Elce xxx