Well, I think its safe to say Isabelle is getting more incredible every day! She's doing so well with her development, she's now crawling like a pro, pulling herself up (and managing to get back down) and walking along the furniture. Her favourite thing to do at the moment is walk her 'baby' in her pushchair!
Her Physiotherapist couldn't be more pleased with her, these sessions have definitely helped her a lot!
She is starting to 'Babble' a lot more too, and I'm pretty sure we'll be hearing proper words from her soon! She is the most amazing little dancer, I have no idea where she's got some of her moves from!
I'm finding it hard to believe that she's 15 months old already! I have no idea where that time has gone!
Izzy was very excited to learn that she's going to be a big sister!! We found out that I am expecting again on 19/11/12, and we've managed to keep it relatively quiet for several weeks, having only just made an announcement on facebook tonight.
We're really excited, and we know Izzy will be an amazing big sister! However, the past few weeks haven't passed without a couple of little panics on my part.
Money will be a bit of an issue, and I cant help but worry about how hard I might find it, looking after a newborn as well as Isabelle, but I keep reassuring myself that the start we had was Izzy isn't the norm, she was a very poorly baby and fingers crossed, we wont have those problems again this time around.
I also feel weird when I think about bringing a new baby into Isabelle's life. I don't doubt that she will be a fantastic big sister, as she's so loving and kind. I just somehow feel guilty. She'll have spent 22-23 months having all of our attention, and then suddenly a tiny little pink squeaky thing will steal a lot of that attention away. It makes me feel sick to think how that may make her feel.
I'm going to make sure we involve her as much as possible, throughout the pregnancy, and when the baby is here. I don't want her to feel like she's been replaced, or like we love her any less.
On the night that we found out, we both shed a little tear, and Adam said to Isabelle "Are you ready to be a big sister?" .. straight away she nodded and said "yeah!" with such enthusiasm! Its was brilliant. Another amazing moment was on Monday, we went for our first scan, and of course, Izzy came too! She sat on Daddy's knee while they scanned me. She reached over and took hold of my hand while she giggled at the screen! That has to be one of the highlights of our time together!
As we called Isabelle 'Button' throughout my pregnancy, we decided we needed a cute name for this one to, so.. Baby Elce number two will be known as......................... Squishy! :)
We've decided we're going to find out Squishy's sex, when the sexing scan comes. As lovely as it was to have Buttons Sex a surprise, we thing it would be more practical to know this time around, as we still have all of Izzy's old clothes, so if its a girl, we can get the Newborn stuff washed, Ironed and hung up ready for her!
So, exciting news for the little Elce family just in time for Christmas. We're going to make this the most amazing Christmas ever for our precious little girl, as its the last one where she'll have 100% of the limelight.
Its hard to imagine how I will be able to love another person the way that I love Isabelle, as I have never felt an emotion as strong as this, but as soon as I saw that funny little blob on the screen, and that little heartbeat fluttering away, my tummy was already churning!
I love my little family so so much, and I cant wait for 2013!
This Blog is going to follow me through every step of pregnancy, as something to look back on :)
12 weeks
2011 pictures
antenatal classes
Apple Juice
aqua aerobics
baby at 27 weeks picture
baby clothes
baby shower
Baby's head
Birthing ball
Blood Tests
Braxton Hicks
Buttons book
car boot
centre parcs
changing table
dinner break
due date
false alarm
family tree
first birthday
fundal height
gestational diabetes
Green Olive
growing up
half way
heart beat
hospital bag
hot flushes
January sales
leg pain
long legs
Maid of Honour
Miss Cook
moses basket
mothers day
new car
new house
own room
prenatal classes
second pregnancy
stretch marks
Third Trimester
tummy pains
valentines day
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
And we're off!!
We have a fully confident crawler! She's absolutely loving exploring and loves nothing more than mummy and daddy getting down and chasing her round the playroom on all fours!
We took Isabelle to her physio appointment yesterday, and she was absolutely amazing! She pulls herself up now, and is starting to step sideways slowly whilst holding on. The Physiotherapist, Laura, recommended that we get Izzy her first pair of shoes now, to support her ankles and to help her gain confidence on her feet. So my mum and I took her to Clarks shortly after her appointment, and grandma bought her first shoes (a family tradition), which were size 2 1/2 F. She's incredibly proud of them!Laura also said her left hip is quite stiff, so she has given us some stretches and exercises to do with her to help to loosen it.
She now walks confidently around her playroom now pushing her baby in her pushchair, and is incredibly proud of herself when doing so!
She really is coming on leaps and bounds at the moment, every day she's learning something new!
We have another little worry at the moment with her diet though. As instructed, we introduced a tiny amount of dairy into her diet when she reached a year old, to see if she still reacted to it. She did, so we stopped it again straight away. However, three week later she is shill reacting to something. She's had diarrhoea up to 12 times a day, every single day for almost three weeks! I took her to the doctor last Monday, they wanted to test her for an infection. If the results came back clear but the diarrhoea carries on (which they did, and it has) they are going to look into other food allergies such as wheat etc. So she has got to go back again on Monday to see what they want to do.
I don't think she'll have gained any weight at all this month.
The diet thing is really worrying me. We've just about got used to her not having any dairy, although it is quite difficult, but the thought of her not being able to have dairy OR wheat really worries me. Its so important to me that she has a healthy, balanced diet, and I want to make sure that's still possible.
She's still her happy self though despite having such tummy ache. She gives real 'squeezy snuggles' now, where she throws both arms around your neck and squeezes you tight while saying 'Aaah'. She warms my heart :)
We took Isabelle to her physio appointment yesterday, and she was absolutely amazing! She pulls herself up now, and is starting to step sideways slowly whilst holding on. The Physiotherapist, Laura, recommended that we get Izzy her first pair of shoes now, to support her ankles and to help her gain confidence on her feet. So my mum and I took her to Clarks shortly after her appointment, and grandma bought her first shoes (a family tradition), which were size 2 1/2 F. She's incredibly proud of them!Laura also said her left hip is quite stiff, so she has given us some stretches and exercises to do with her to help to loosen it.
She now walks confidently around her playroom now pushing her baby in her pushchair, and is incredibly proud of herself when doing so!
She really is coming on leaps and bounds at the moment, every day she's learning something new!
We have another little worry at the moment with her diet though. As instructed, we introduced a tiny amount of dairy into her diet when she reached a year old, to see if she still reacted to it. She did, so we stopped it again straight away. However, three week later she is shill reacting to something. She's had diarrhoea up to 12 times a day, every single day for almost three weeks! I took her to the doctor last Monday, they wanted to test her for an infection. If the results came back clear but the diarrhoea carries on (which they did, and it has) they are going to look into other food allergies such as wheat etc. So she has got to go back again on Monday to see what they want to do.
I don't think she'll have gained any weight at all this month.
The diet thing is really worrying me. We've just about got used to her not having any dairy, although it is quite difficult, but the thought of her not being able to have dairy OR wheat really worries me. Its so important to me that she has a healthy, balanced diet, and I want to make sure that's still possible.
She's still her happy self though despite having such tummy ache. She gives real 'squeezy snuggles' now, where she throws both arms around your neck and squeezes you tight while saying 'Aaah'. She warms my heart :)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
A sigh of relief..
Since Isabelle stopped breathing at 5 weeks old, joined with the fact that the development of her gross motor skills has been quite 'behind' I think part of me has always worried that she may have some long lasting effects, as we will never know how long she stopped breathing for. However, my worries have faded dramatically over the past few months, as she's proved what a baby genius she is intellectually.
After 3 sessions of physiotherapy, I am sooo proud to announce that we have serious 'crawling progress!!' The physiotherapist told us during her first session that her hips were very weak, and it could take a long time to strengthen them before we see results in her movement. So I am really excited that she has just started crawling slowly, but independently after only 3 sessions!
She will be having physio every two weeks, and she has also been referred to an occupational therapist, who we are yet to see. So I'm really looking forward to seeing what they say about her :)
Its been really hard to be persistent with doing her exercises, as they seemed to really hurt her, but it's already paying off :)
It annoys me that people are so opinionated that she hasn't been crawling at 13 1/2 months, it's as if some people just assume that means she's slow. But you only have to spend two minutes with her to realise she's a very bright, normal little button.
I like to think she's super special, as she's had so many extra hurdles to get to where she is, and I hate the thought that she's been through pain to get here. She's learning and developing so quickly now though, I'm so unbelievably proud of her. Seeing her start to crawl has certainly cheered up a very poorly mummy tonight :)
She'll be running rings around us before we know it :) xxxx
After 3 sessions of physiotherapy, I am sooo proud to announce that we have serious 'crawling progress!!' The physiotherapist told us during her first session that her hips were very weak, and it could take a long time to strengthen them before we see results in her movement. So I am really excited that she has just started crawling slowly, but independently after only 3 sessions!
She will be having physio every two weeks, and she has also been referred to an occupational therapist, who we are yet to see. So I'm really looking forward to seeing what they say about her :)
Its been really hard to be persistent with doing her exercises, as they seemed to really hurt her, but it's already paying off :)
It annoys me that people are so opinionated that she hasn't been crawling at 13 1/2 months, it's as if some people just assume that means she's slow. But you only have to spend two minutes with her to realise she's a very bright, normal little button.
I like to think she's super special, as she's had so many extra hurdles to get to where she is, and I hate the thought that she's been through pain to get here. She's learning and developing so quickly now though, I'm so unbelievably proud of her. Seeing her start to crawl has certainly cheered up a very poorly mummy tonight :)
She'll be running rings around us before we know it :) xxxx
Friday, October 19, 2012
Photo time!
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The Birthday Princess |
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Smiles at Grandma's |
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Practicing crawling! |
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Big girl, standing! |
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Beautiful Smiles |
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Chilling at daddy's work! |
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Brushing my teeth! |
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Taking Piglet for a ride! |
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With my Pushchair |
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Birthday Banner! |
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Learner Driver |
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Peeking in my toy box |
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Feeding baby! |
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Feeding myself |
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Story time with Cousin, Peyton! |
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Tea Party! |
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Birthday Card, on Telly! |
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Bath time! |
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Birthday Cake |
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My first swing! |
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Amazing new family! |
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Peppa Pig! |
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My new friend, Heidi! |
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My new Playroom! |
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The Playroom again! |
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Dressed up with Daddy! |
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Daddy's first Fathers day! |
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My Birthday ride! |
An actual little girl!
I think its safe to say my tiny baby has officially gone! Lately i have found myself wishing i could slow the time down! I cant believe i haven't blogged since she was 8 months old! She's now 13 Months!!
Last time i posted, we were worrying about her development being behind. I'm not really worried about her anymore, she is still quite behind with some things but she's learning so much now its amazing! Here are some of the latest things that have got us going all gooey over her...
* If you sing 'Pat a Cake' to her, she starts clapping her hands straight away, then during the last line ' Put it in the oven for baby and me' she pats her tummy!
* She now nods her head whilst saying 'yeah yeah yeah' .
*She can pick her own sippy cup up and drink from it.
*She now shuffles on her bottom at a pretty decent speed, and can get just about anywhere she chooses to go!
* If you tell her to have a drink , she immediately picks her cup up and starts drinking!
* When we sing '5 current buns' She gives her her imaginary penny, and pretends to eat her current bun at the end of every line.
*When singing 'Wind the Bobbin' she attempts to do the winding action with her arms, claps in all the right places, and points to the ceiling.
*She can do the actions of a fish, and a chicken, and makes cat noises when asked.
* She knows where the clock,Dolly, light, ceiling fish and Lucy Lamb (cuddly toy) and her toy train are and will point to them when asked.
* When asked how old she is she holds up one finger.
* She knows where her hair, knees, toes, ears, Tongue, teeth, head, and hands are, and will point to her nose when asked in both French and English.
*She gives kisses whenever she's asked to (and even when she's not!)
*She can hold her fork and spoon and feed herself an entire meal.
* When we're putting her trousers on, she pulls them up herself, in attempt to "find her piggies".
* When she finishes a meal, she gives herself a round of applause.
* If we hold her coat out for her, she now puts her arms through by herself.
* She waves as soon as you say goodbye.
* When you say "hello" she pretends to pick up a phone
*She can pull herself onto her knees.
* She can brush her own teeth, and hair.
* She dances whenever she hears music.
*She recognizes characters on the television.
* As soon as she sees a cat, she makes cat noises.
* When we sing 'Heads, shoulders, knee's and toes, she can correctly point to all apart from shoulders at the moment.
* When on her feet, and holding onto our hands, she has recently began to put one foot in front of the other and take steps, which is a new achievement for her, but she's still heavily relying on our support.
* She picks up her Dolly, and its bottle, and holds the bottle over the 'baby's' mouth, pretending to feed her. (sooo cute!!)
So she may not be walking or quite crawling just yet, but she's certainly learning a lot. She's become such a little character over the past few months as well. We still cant go anywhere without being stopped several times and complimented on what a happy little girl she is, or what a beautiful smile she has.
She had a fantastic first Birthday, surrounded by family and friends.. she's already a very popular little girl! We had a party on the Sunday before her birthday, with special guest Peppa Pig, and a family trip to Skegness on her actual birthday, where she had her first ever ride on a donkey and absolutely loved it!
We had her weighed on her birthday and she was exactly 18lb 1oz, so growing nicely, but still tiny really :)
We're now looking forward to her second Christmas, its going to be soo magical this year as she's at such a wonderful age.
I'm still loving being a mummy, i absolutely love the age she's at now, watching her grow and learn is amazing! I'm going to try and get back into regular blogging again. So much has happened in the past five months its impossible to remember it all.
Adam and i have had a few chats lately about the plans for 'Little someone Elce number two' .. and unfortunately money is our main concern. At the moment, we're lucky to have family looking after Izzy while we're at work, but i wouldn't expect them to look after two. But at the same time, we couldn't afford childcare, but it would be a big loss for me to stop working.. so we're going to have to have a serious think about how we plan our family.
My friend, Becki had her second baby at the beginning of September, and Izzy got incredibly jealous when she saw me hold her at first. However, we recently visited again, and she absolutely loved baby Heidi and kept kissing her.
I'd like to have a bit more time with Izzy being an only child before a second one enters the scene, but i do now think she will like to become a big sister eventually!
It feels good to have finally blogged again.. I couldn't believe it when i logged on and saw that iv had 13,873 views! I'm determined to not leave it so long this time!
Love love love xxxx
Last time i posted, we were worrying about her development being behind. I'm not really worried about her anymore, she is still quite behind with some things but she's learning so much now its amazing! Here are some of the latest things that have got us going all gooey over her...
* If you sing 'Pat a Cake' to her, she starts clapping her hands straight away, then during the last line ' Put it in the oven for baby and me' she pats her tummy!
* She now nods her head whilst saying 'yeah yeah yeah' .
*She can pick her own sippy cup up and drink from it.
*She now shuffles on her bottom at a pretty decent speed, and can get just about anywhere she chooses to go!
* If you tell her to have a drink , she immediately picks her cup up and starts drinking!
* When we sing '5 current buns' She gives her her imaginary penny, and pretends to eat her current bun at the end of every line.
*When singing 'Wind the Bobbin' she attempts to do the winding action with her arms, claps in all the right places, and points to the ceiling.
*She can do the actions of a fish, and a chicken, and makes cat noises when asked.
* She knows where the clock,Dolly, light, ceiling fish and Lucy Lamb (cuddly toy) and her toy train are and will point to them when asked.
* When asked how old she is she holds up one finger.
* She knows where her hair, knees, toes, ears, Tongue, teeth, head, and hands are, and will point to her nose when asked in both French and English.
*She gives kisses whenever she's asked to (and even when she's not!)
*She can hold her fork and spoon and feed herself an entire meal.
* When we're putting her trousers on, she pulls them up herself, in attempt to "find her piggies".
* When she finishes a meal, she gives herself a round of applause.
* If we hold her coat out for her, she now puts her arms through by herself.
* She waves as soon as you say goodbye.
* When you say "hello" she pretends to pick up a phone
*She can pull herself onto her knees.
* She can brush her own teeth, and hair.
* She dances whenever she hears music.
*She recognizes characters on the television.
* As soon as she sees a cat, she makes cat noises.
* When we sing 'Heads, shoulders, knee's and toes, she can correctly point to all apart from shoulders at the moment.
* When on her feet, and holding onto our hands, she has recently began to put one foot in front of the other and take steps, which is a new achievement for her, but she's still heavily relying on our support.
* She picks up her Dolly, and its bottle, and holds the bottle over the 'baby's' mouth, pretending to feed her. (sooo cute!!)
So she may not be walking or quite crawling just yet, but she's certainly learning a lot. She's become such a little character over the past few months as well. We still cant go anywhere without being stopped several times and complimented on what a happy little girl she is, or what a beautiful smile she has.
She had a fantastic first Birthday, surrounded by family and friends.. she's already a very popular little girl! We had a party on the Sunday before her birthday, with special guest Peppa Pig, and a family trip to Skegness on her actual birthday, where she had her first ever ride on a donkey and absolutely loved it!
We had her weighed on her birthday and she was exactly 18lb 1oz, so growing nicely, but still tiny really :)
We're now looking forward to her second Christmas, its going to be soo magical this year as she's at such a wonderful age.
I'm still loving being a mummy, i absolutely love the age she's at now, watching her grow and learn is amazing! I'm going to try and get back into regular blogging again. So much has happened in the past five months its impossible to remember it all.
Adam and i have had a few chats lately about the plans for 'Little someone Elce number two' .. and unfortunately money is our main concern. At the moment, we're lucky to have family looking after Izzy while we're at work, but i wouldn't expect them to look after two. But at the same time, we couldn't afford childcare, but it would be a big loss for me to stop working.. so we're going to have to have a serious think about how we plan our family.
My friend, Becki had her second baby at the beginning of September, and Izzy got incredibly jealous when she saw me hold her at first. However, we recently visited again, and she absolutely loved baby Heidi and kept kissing her.
I'd like to have a bit more time with Izzy being an only child before a second one enters the scene, but i do now think she will like to become a big sister eventually!
It feels good to have finally blogged again.. I couldn't believe it when i logged on and saw that iv had 13,873 views! I'm determined to not leave it so long this time!
Love love love xxxx
Thursday, May 17, 2012
8 Months!!
Well another month has gone by, and how fast it's gone! This means Isabelle is now an incredible 8 months old! I seriously don't know where the time is going! I've found myself already planning her first birthday party, which seems insane. It doesn't seem two minutes since i was planning her birth! As each day goes by we continue to fall more and more in love with her. We've had a tough couple of weeks, the events have been heartbreaking at times, yet somehow they seem to have made us love our little girl even more.
A few weeks ago we began to notice that Isabelle had started nodding her head. At first we couldn't tell whether it was just a new thing she'd learnt to do, but after a while it became obvious that the head nodding was involuntary. It got more and more powerful to the point where she'd fall over, or bang her head on things, and she began to do it more and more. She always seemed to do it when looking at lights.
It gradually got more often and more powerful, and we noticed that her eyes were going funny when she did it too. I managed to get some video footage of her doing it, so i booked her in to see a doctor.
The doctor took one look at the video and was quite concerned, she mentioned Epilepsy, which had been the first worry I'd had. She said she was going to send an urgent referral letter to the hospital to get her tested.
A couple of weeks later i received a voicemail message on a Saturday morning from a doctor at the hospital asking if we could take Isabelle straight in. We spent a couple of hours at the hospital with her being looked at and examined. The doctor was worried about several things. She said she wanted to arrange an EEG, MRI scan and blood tests.
Something was brought to our attention which we had never heard of before. 'Angelman Syndrome'. Almost all of the worries that the doctor had mentioned, were symptoms of this syndrome. We all did the worst thing possible and got on google. Apparently, children with Angelman Syndrome rarely walk, and hardly ever speak. We were devastated. The more we read, the more we convinced ourselves it could be bad news.
It was so hard to think that this beautiful little girl who is so amazingly happy and perfect to us could have such a disability.
We had a couple of terribly restless nights and spoke about it loads. We'd just taken the fact we thought we had a completely 'normal' little girl for granted. We'd always assumed we'd take her to Ballet lessons, and singing lessons like me. The thought that she may never be able to do those things broke our hearts. As i thought about it more and more, i suppose i almost diagnosed her in my head. She ticked so many of the boxes! I couldn't bare it, but i sort of managed to get my head around the thought she could end up in a wheelchair, but the thought of her never speaking was unbearable. I couldn't even think about how it would feel to know she's never say ' I love you mummy'.
One characteristic of Angelman Syndrome is that they are amazingly happy children. Always smiling. The amount of appointments for speech therapy, physiotherapy etc they go through each week is unbelievable, yet they never fail to keep a smile on their faces. They are truly inspirational people!
Angelman Syndrome is diagnosed with an EEG, and a blood test. On Tuesday morning we got a phone call from the hospital, saying that Isabelle had been referred to the main city hospital for an EEG. We had to wait for the other hospital to call and tell us when to go in. It was a nail biting few hours. Eventually, they called, and told us to go in that afternoon. The EEG was an awful experience, it took approximately an hour and a half, and i have never seen my little girl so distressed. It broke my heart. Even my mum shed a tear, and she always manages to stay strong.
We then had a long wait, before returning to the hospital the following Monday.
To our delight, the EEG came back as normal! We have never been so relieved! It felt like we'd been given our little girl back!
They still want to do the MRI scans and blood tests, so we're waiting for those appointments to come through, but at least we can sleep at night now!
Of course, we would love Isabelle no matter what, but its such a relief to know she will be able to have the sort of life we've dreamed she would have.
This experience has certainly made me a lot more grateful. I will never take her for granted, every little thing she does now amazes me.
She is now 8 months old. She doesn't roll over and she has no interest in crawling. In the opinion of some medical 'know it all's' this may mean she's behind with her development.
I don't care what age she walks, crawls, skips or sprints. She gives the best smiles in the world, and that's enough for me.
She sits up completely on her own now, and she has two teeth!!! She's learnt how to say Dada (Which has pleased Adam no end) and she's saying it all the time!
She's certainly not going to be under any pressure from us, to reach certain milestones at certain times. This is the one time in her life she wont be pressured with deadlines and rules, and i have no intention of changing that.
I love my BabyBelle more than life, and i always will. She's my absolute world. I have the most amazing, happy, brave and beautiful eight month old baby girl in the world, and i couldnt be more proud!
A few weeks ago we began to notice that Isabelle had started nodding her head. At first we couldn't tell whether it was just a new thing she'd learnt to do, but after a while it became obvious that the head nodding was involuntary. It got more and more powerful to the point where she'd fall over, or bang her head on things, and she began to do it more and more. She always seemed to do it when looking at lights.
It gradually got more often and more powerful, and we noticed that her eyes were going funny when she did it too. I managed to get some video footage of her doing it, so i booked her in to see a doctor.
The doctor took one look at the video and was quite concerned, she mentioned Epilepsy, which had been the first worry I'd had. She said she was going to send an urgent referral letter to the hospital to get her tested.
A couple of weeks later i received a voicemail message on a Saturday morning from a doctor at the hospital asking if we could take Isabelle straight in. We spent a couple of hours at the hospital with her being looked at and examined. The doctor was worried about several things. She said she wanted to arrange an EEG, MRI scan and blood tests.
Something was brought to our attention which we had never heard of before. 'Angelman Syndrome'. Almost all of the worries that the doctor had mentioned, were symptoms of this syndrome. We all did the worst thing possible and got on google. Apparently, children with Angelman Syndrome rarely walk, and hardly ever speak. We were devastated. The more we read, the more we convinced ourselves it could be bad news.
It was so hard to think that this beautiful little girl who is so amazingly happy and perfect to us could have such a disability.
We had a couple of terribly restless nights and spoke about it loads. We'd just taken the fact we thought we had a completely 'normal' little girl for granted. We'd always assumed we'd take her to Ballet lessons, and singing lessons like me. The thought that she may never be able to do those things broke our hearts. As i thought about it more and more, i suppose i almost diagnosed her in my head. She ticked so many of the boxes! I couldn't bare it, but i sort of managed to get my head around the thought she could end up in a wheelchair, but the thought of her never speaking was unbearable. I couldn't even think about how it would feel to know she's never say ' I love you mummy'.
One characteristic of Angelman Syndrome is that they are amazingly happy children. Always smiling. The amount of appointments for speech therapy, physiotherapy etc they go through each week is unbelievable, yet they never fail to keep a smile on their faces. They are truly inspirational people!
Angelman Syndrome is diagnosed with an EEG, and a blood test. On Tuesday morning we got a phone call from the hospital, saying that Isabelle had been referred to the main city hospital for an EEG. We had to wait for the other hospital to call and tell us when to go in. It was a nail biting few hours. Eventually, they called, and told us to go in that afternoon. The EEG was an awful experience, it took approximately an hour and a half, and i have never seen my little girl so distressed. It broke my heart. Even my mum shed a tear, and she always manages to stay strong.
We then had a long wait, before returning to the hospital the following Monday.
To our delight, the EEG came back as normal! We have never been so relieved! It felt like we'd been given our little girl back!
They still want to do the MRI scans and blood tests, so we're waiting for those appointments to come through, but at least we can sleep at night now!
Of course, we would love Isabelle no matter what, but its such a relief to know she will be able to have the sort of life we've dreamed she would have.
This experience has certainly made me a lot more grateful. I will never take her for granted, every little thing she does now amazes me.
She is now 8 months old. She doesn't roll over and she has no interest in crawling. In the opinion of some medical 'know it all's' this may mean she's behind with her development.
I don't care what age she walks, crawls, skips or sprints. She gives the best smiles in the world, and that's enough for me.
She sits up completely on her own now, and she has two teeth!!! She's learnt how to say Dada (Which has pleased Adam no end) and she's saying it all the time!
She's certainly not going to be under any pressure from us, to reach certain milestones at certain times. This is the one time in her life she wont be pressured with deadlines and rules, and i have no intention of changing that.
I love my BabyBelle more than life, and i always will. She's my absolute world. I have the most amazing, happy, brave and beautiful eight month old baby girl in the world, and i couldnt be more proud!
Friday, April 13, 2012
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