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Thursday, July 21, 2011


We are now just over 34 weeks pregnant, which means there are 5 weeks and 6 days left to go! Its scary how fast this all seems to have gone. To think that our baby will be in our arms in no longer than 8 weeks is amazing. I went to the Midwife yesterday, and she measured me bigger than she should again (between 37 and 38 weeks). She rang the hospital to ask for advice and they want to see me again next week. She had a good feel of Button, and He/She is beginning to get engaged ( become head down into my pelvis ready for departure). So its feeling pretty close now!
We've just had some incredibly exciting news, The nursery furniture is going to be delivered on the 1st August (11 days time!). I'm so relieved. It feels like we can actually get fully prepared now. The nursery is literally full of stuff to the point you can hardly get in there, so it will be amazing to finally get everything organized and in the right place :)
I had my Baby Shower on Sunday ( 17/7/11) which was lovely. We played lots of games, had a lovely buffet and general girly chats for hours. It was lovely to see some old faces again.
Over the past 8 days we've been to 3 Antenatal classes (6 whole hours!). We have both thoroughly enjoyed each of them and found them to be very useful. We've covered things such as: Stages of Labour, Pain relief, Breathing, Massage, Post natal care and breastfeeding. I think Adam may have benefited even more than me from them. I've spent the past 34 weeks constantly reading about all of these things, whereas i think a lot of it was new information to him. I've been really worrying about how Adam will handle being there for the labour and Birth, as he is even more squeamish than me, but he showed a genuine interest in the classes and is now feeling really confident, which is great to see. I'm really proud of him.
I've got a nice day coming up next Thursday. For our first Wedding anniversary, Adam bought me a 'mum to be' pamper day at Centre Parcs, which is now booked. So i am very much looking forward to that!
This stage of pregnancy is really starting to get uncomfortable now. I'm waking about every 2 hours for toilet trips through the night, and i find it almost impossible to get comfortable in bed. My hands and feet are swelling really badly and my fingers are really stiff and painful. I've had to take my wedding ring off, which broke my heart, as my fingers are just too fat! After meals i struggle to breathe because there is so little space inside me, and i rarely finish a meal now as i feel so full all the time!
Button seems to get into some really funny positions now and at times i feel like i can hardly carry the weight. I waddle and have to hold the underneath of my bump because its so heavy it feels like he/she is going to fall out!
I'm finding myself getting a little tearful now too. This is what I've wanted my whole life, and its almost here. It still doesn't feel real that i have an actual tiny person living inside me, and that its going to be mine to keep, forever! I've got constant butterflies in my tummy now because I'm so excited.
Adam and I have had some lovely time together over the past couple of weeks too, he turned 29 on Monday and we spent the day at Centre Parcs. We played Badminton, and went swimming and just generally spent good quality time together. We seem to be cuddling a lot more at the minute and having really nice long chats etc. We occasionally go and have a game of golf in the evenings too (which is something i never thought I'd get into). Its really nice to not have distractions of the busy world and all its technology that we're constantly surrounded by. Its good to escape to somewhere peaceful and just be in each others company. I don't think we've every felt closer, and more happy as a family and i feel like its a perfect beginning for welcoming our baby into the world.
So, life is generally very good. Lots to look forward to and enjoying the build up to our new life :) xx
Love Love Love xx

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Button has a name!!!

OK, so i think its safe to say that baby Button officially has a name! We have been pretty much set on the boys name for a while now, as it was one of the only ones we both seemed to like. However we now have a boys middle name too.
The girls names have taken a little bit more thinking about over the past few weeks, as we'd narrowed it down to two, and were struggling to choose between them. I've had mixed feelings about our chosen middle name for a little girl because its incredibly unusual (so unusual I've never heard of anyone with it). In some ways i quite like the fact that its unusual, as it will make her a little more unique, but at the same time i worry about what people will think. I don't want anyone to think we're one of those couples that have just randomly made a name up.. it is an actual name. Don't get me wrong, its nothing horrendous, we're not the type of couple to name a baby 'Chlamydia-Smirnoff' or anything weird like that.. its just a little different.
I've managed to think of a few reasons why we should go with it, these have helped me to make my mind up.

1) Adam and I both think it sounds beautiful, especially with the chosen first name.
2) It is only her middle name, so if she didn't like it, she wouldn't have to shout about it.
3) It has a secret hidden meaning to us as a couple which makes it extra special.
4) We shouldn't have to pick a name for a child based on what other people will think.

Also, i have anonymously joined a random pregnancy forum, and put a post on there asking what people think of it. I got 16 responses and all we're incredibly positive. Not one person said anything bad about it, they all thought it was really pretty!

I think i would actually be more excited about announcing our girls name than the boys now too, as the boys name is the complete opposite, quite popular, but i love them both!

It feels weird to think that this tiny person I've been carrying around for the past 33 weeks is actually going to be called one of those two names. I almost feel weird and kind of sad that baby wont be 'Button' anymore. I've been calling him/her that since the word go, and so does everyone else now, I'll miss it.
They will always be my little Button though :)
So yeah, this is quite a big point in the pregnancy for us, it all seems very real now our little piggy has a name!
P.S Please don't get tempted to ask us what the names are .. our lips are sealed until the day Button's born! Hopefully that means there will be no more than 7 weeks to wait!

Love Love Love xxxx

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Getting ready...

I thought i would post a few photos to show what i have spent the past few days doing. I'm finding it really difficult that I'm wanting to nest, yet we still don't have any furniture, so i cant really get the nursery organised properly. I felt like i really wanted to do something, so iv gathered all of the baby things together (well, most of it) to see what we have. My mums coming round on Friday with all the things she's got, so we can properly see whats left to buy. I know she has a bouncy chair, play gym and quite a few nappies etc to add to the collection so i imagine the nursery will be looking pretty full by the weekend :)

Some Baby things, including gifts.

Some of the things i have spent my Vouchers on from work.

Some of Buttons Bathroom essentials!

Some of Buttons bath time things.

Some toys ( I love how 'Raffie' giraffe is posing
on this one!)
The Nursery at the moment.

My hospital bag so far.

Friday, July 8, 2011


OK, so i have been yet again failing miserably as a blogger. Since finishing work iv been trying to keep myself busy, and get out somewhere at least once a day. Most days iv been seeing friends, walking round town etc, often being out of the house for most of the day. As nice as its been to see people and keep busy, i think I'm going to have to slow things down considerably now. I can literally only walk for a couple of minutes now and I'm in agony. The underneath of my bump really hurts and my feet swell up. The past couple of days i feel like my energy levels have gone back down to 0. Today is the first day i haven't left the house. I got up at 10am and had some toast, then felt like i needed to lay down again. I went back to bed and didn't get up until past 3pm! I feel so weak. I got something to eat and tried to do some jobs around the house but i feel awful, i just want to go back to bed. I think I'm going to have to really start taking it easy now. I ended up rushing off to the hospital last week too. I didn't feel Button move very much for a couple of days, and my hands and feet had swollen up loads, that on top of knowing there's been protein in my wee for several weeks i thought i should ring the hospital. They told me to go straight in. So after a bus ride, taxi ride, train ride and a rather unpleasant uphill walk, i arrived at the hospital. They took a urine sample and strapped me to two monitors on the bed. They had to try and get the baby moving, so the midwife examined me and grabbed hold of the baby's head (which wasn't exactly comfortable). I don't think Button enjoyed it either, as he/she didn't stop moving after that. They tried to get a clear monitor of the baby's heart, but as baby wriggled, he/she kept kicking the monitor off. The midwife told me that we needed to have two clear 40 minute readings of both baby's heartbeat and movement before i would be allowed to leave. She tested my wee, and there was still protein in it, she did my blood pressure and it was high, and she took my temperature and it was also high (All signs of Preeclampsia). They monitored me for two hours before they decided i was OK to leave.
I was back to see the consultant the following morning. She did my blood pressure etc again and it was still high, she said she was going to do an extra blood test just to check everything. She tested my urine, there was no protein, but Glucose!! She said they would have to monitor this over the next few weeks, and if it kept appearing i would have to have the Glucose test again! She called another doctor in for a second opinion, and explained her concerns. He didn't seem to be that worried, so i managed to get out of the extra blood test! They booked me back to see the other Doctor on the 1st September!! (If the baby isn't here before).
I went to my midwife on Wednesday and there was no trace of anything in my wee! So that's a nice relief!
I have noticed some definite changes in the pregnancy over the past week. My bump has become rock solid and the movements have changed lots. Its not little kicks anymore, i can actually feel (and see) the baby turning and changing positions. Its amazing! Also, i have now noticed the baby having hiccups! Its incredible! I always rub his/her back to try and help. Its really cute!
In other news, my hospital bag (suitcase) is almost finished. I just need to pick up a couple more bits next time we go shopping then it'll be done. I found it so exciting, washing, ironing and packing the first few outfits that Button will ever wear!
I went to Kelly's baby shower last Sunday and it was awesome! It was so nice to have a load of ladies together, for girly chats and some great games! I really enjoyed it. I decided to hurry up and get mine organised. Once if written a list of who i wanted to invite, i had over 60 names written down, none of which i would want to leave out! So i have booked a lounge and conservatory at a local club, which will be lovely. I've planned lots of games and decorations which I'm really excited about. We now have just over a week to go and i have a grand total of 8 people attending. I'm currently feeling rather embarrassed and let down. People just aren't replying, and i don't want to hire the club for only 8 people! If not many are going to come I'll do it at home but I'm just not getting any answers. Also, its making it so difficult to organise food as we have no idea how much we're going to need!
So, less than 8 weeks until we become Mummy and Daddy. I cant wait to cuddle my little person now!