For the past few days i thought id been getting bad outbreaks of eczema on my arms and chest, its been driving me mad. I woke up this morning, the patches were itching more than ever and seemed to have spread. They had gone really dark round the outside, like an exact line around the edge, and my neck was starting to swell and itch. I got ready for work and had to battle the urge to scratch on the bus. I popped into the pharmacy when i first got there and they backed up my suspicion that it was possibly 'ringworm' (which sounds disgusting but doesn't actually involve worms at all). When i got to work, Shawna phoned the doctor and i pretty much turn straight back round and got back on the bus. Dr Allen confirmed that it is ringworm, and its contagious but not dangerous. He prescribed me some cream, and said its at the discretion of management at work whether or not i return. The decision was made that i should take the rest of today off, but return tomorrow morning.
I have had 6 baths today to try and soothe the rashes (which seem to have been popping up fast). I don't see working like this being much fun but I'll just have to do my best. I'm wearing a black polo top to cover the majority of the infection, to stop me scratching, and so that patients don't see it.
I was supposed to be going swimming with my mum tonight too, which i was really looking forward to :(
Just to add to the discomfort, heartburn is welcoming itself into the equation now too! Iv woken up in the night with it pretty bad a few times over the past week. Maybe Button will be a little Fluff nut :)
Had some really exciting family news tonight too which has cheered me up no end! Don't think i ought to say what it is yet, but i will definitely be able to within the next couple of weeks! Very exciting!
Iv bought a couple of pregnancy and baby magazines tonight, so I'm going to snuggle up in bed and have a good old read in a minute :)
I literally don't seem to be able to read enough baby info! With the Magazines i got a free car sun shade (with a sunshine and a crab on!), a book of baby names, a 'Maisey story' (which i loved as a child) and a few catalogues, so plenty to be looking through!
I'm glad im finally getting more chance to blog now. I think the motivation of how many people are reading it is really pushing me too! My stats have reached over 2000 now!
Nighty night
Love 'mummy moose' and 'baby Button' xxx
This Blog is going to follow me through every step of pregnancy, as something to look back on :)
12 weeks
2011 pictures
antenatal classes
Apple Juice
aqua aerobics
baby at 27 weeks picture
baby clothes
baby shower
Baby's head
Birthing ball
Blood Tests
Braxton Hicks
Buttons book
car boot
centre parcs
changing table
dinner break
due date
false alarm
family tree
first birthday
fundal height
gestational diabetes
Green Olive
growing up
half way
heart beat
hospital bag
hot flushes
January sales
leg pain
long legs
Maid of Honour
Miss Cook
moses basket
mothers day
new car
new house
own room
prenatal classes
second pregnancy
stretch marks
Third Trimester
tummy pains
valentines day
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Exciting stuff!

I woke up on Friday morning (after a not so good nights sleep) with the most intense feeling of butterflies in my stomach. It felt quite similar to the morning of our wedding. We had a nice snuggle, and each set off for work. I nipped into Subway for a quick breakfast, i was almost bouncing off the walls with excitement! I only had to work for about 40 minutes before i headed off for the train station. I had a wee before i left work, and decided that would be my last one. I sat on the train, sipping my litre bottle of water, trying to decide how many photos we should buy of Button, they were £2.50 each, so i though we could spend about £15 and get 6 photos. I got off the train at about 10:35, our appointment wasn't until 11:30, so i headed up to college to meet Adam at work. The walk made me realise that i was actually quite desperate for a wee. I kept thinking, last time we went we were kept waiting for about 30 minutes after our appointment time. I didn't think i could wait a potential hour, and then have someone pressing on my tummy, so i went to the loo at 10:45!! :/
I then started guzzling the rest of my water, and when we got to the waiting area i managed to down about an extra 4 cups too. We were called it pretty much bang on time, and i couldn't get in that room quick enough, Adam gave me a kiss and a little squeeze on my hand and i hopped up onto the bed. The lady said she needed to find the baby first, then she would turn the screen so i could have a look. Adam was staring straight at the screen, gripping onto my hand. I stared straight at his face to see his first reaction. Pretty much as soon as she touched my tummy Adam gasped and his whole face lit up. She turned the screen and i saw button straight away. My eyes filled up instantly and i looked back at Adam, he was welling up too. Buttons a total wriggler! The little legs we kicking all over. The lady drew a line from the top of Buttons head to its bottom, and told me i was 13 weeks and two days, and baby was just over 7cm long! We sat watching the screen, amazed! Then the best thing ever happened, baby turned its head towards us, stuck its arm in the air and wiggled its hand! 'Its waving at us!' i shouted, crying even more! As she moved further over my tummy we saw these two long bits, at first i though one was the cord, but then we noticed properly formed feet at the end! I couldn't believe it! Iv never seen legs like that on a scan photo! The little heart was fluttering nice and strongly too! It was the best feeling in the world! I could have laid there forever and watched our tiny baby on that screen! We asked for 6 photos, and she only charged us £10 for them. Iv literally spent the past two days staring at it. Iv got it as my wallpaper on my phone, and my display picture on facebook. Its soo nice for everyone to finally know, and us not have to worry about keeping quiet!
We've both been on cloud 9 since Friday, we went for a celebration dinner last night, and possibly even found a boys name! That's made things seem really exciting, i thought we were never going to find a compromise. We both really like it, so with a bit of luck, we may be almost sorted for names. We've still got two girls names we are deciding between!
So its been a magical few days! Everything feels so real now :)
I'm absolutely besotted! :)
Eeeeek! Buttons got a little Button nose!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Thats just peachy :)
Oooo also, if i actually am 13 weeks tomorrow, Button will be the size of a peach! How cute is that? I'm so proud :')
I also read recently that if i poke myself in the tummy with one finger, already Buttons head will turn and the mouth will open, practicing for feeding!
Soooo clever!
That will be all xx
I also read recently that if i poke myself in the tummy with one finger, already Buttons head will turn and the mouth will open, practicing for feeding!
Soooo clever!
That will be all xx
Milly Driver :)
Iv just had my second driving lesson! I absolutely love it, i feel like i could drive round all day. Got up to 60pmh today, drove all around Cuckney, to and from Meden Vale, did junctions, hill starts etc. Loved every second! There were loads of cars out there which made me quite nervous to begin with, but it was amazing. The suns shining too, so driving round little country roads with the window down gave me such a buzz :) Iv already got loads of criteria ticked off!
Scan day tomorrow! I feel sick with excitement now! I cant stop thinking about it. This time tomorrow we will be showing off all our little pictures :)
I'm feeling quite productive today, but iv just got so much to do! I had a nice well needed lay in this morning, then had a walk to the shop and a little picnic in the sunshine. Then got ready for my lesson. Iv been out of the house for 90 minutes. Adam will be home in two hours, so I'm going to see what i can get done before then. Then I'm going to visit my Grandma tonight because its her birthday.
Iv had the sudden urge to get some baby stuff organised. At the moment, all the bits and bobs that we have bought are scattered around in different rooms. I want to get a little box to put everything in and keep it all together.
Iv literally got constant butterflies thinking about tomorrow! eeeek!
Don't think I'm going to get much sleep tonight some how!
Love love love
Scan day tomorrow! I feel sick with excitement now! I cant stop thinking about it. This time tomorrow we will be showing off all our little pictures :)
I'm feeling quite productive today, but iv just got so much to do! I had a nice well needed lay in this morning, then had a walk to the shop and a little picnic in the sunshine. Then got ready for my lesson. Iv been out of the house for 90 minutes. Adam will be home in two hours, so I'm going to see what i can get done before then. Then I'm going to visit my Grandma tonight because its her birthday.
Iv had the sudden urge to get some baby stuff organised. At the moment, all the bits and bobs that we have bought are scattered around in different rooms. I want to get a little box to put everything in and keep it all together.
Iv literally got constant butterflies thinking about tomorrow! eeeek!
Don't think I'm going to get much sleep tonight some how!
Love love love
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Almost forgot..
Ooo, and to add to the previous post of my amazing day, one of my best ever friends has asked me today, to sing at her wedding!!! I couldn't have had a better day! :) xxx
Best day yet!!!
Oh my goooodness! I am absolutely on a high!! Firstly, i had my First driving lesson last week, and did amazingly! I was driving all around Meden Vale, loads more confidently than I'd expected! John (Instructor) said that he would quite like me to drive to Worksop this week if i feel up to it! (And I'm not one to turn down a challenge!).
Secondly, i managed to finally get a date for our 12 weeks scan, This Friday at 11:15 (I'll be 13 weeks by then). I've been feeling so nervous about it, just wanting to know that everything is OK.
I had my midwife appointment today, i went into work for an hour and a half, and then caught the bus back and met Adam at the surgery. I hadn't had a wee for 2 hours, so i was convinced my sample would be much less embarrassing than the last two I'd attempted. Kelly's appointment was straight after ours, and as we were over half an hour late going in, we got chance to catch up with her in the waiting area for a while, which was lovely!
When we finally got called in, i did my wee sample (which was majorly impressive i might add!), had my blood pressure checked, went through my blood results etc. Apparently my blood group is A positive, and i have a really good blood count of 14.5. (Honestly, i have no idea what this means!). Heather said, the higher your count is to start with, the more exhausted you get when the baby starts stealing their share! So that very much explains my constant exhaustion! Heather then asked if we wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat!! I squealed and practically leaped onto the bed! She rolled my top up, and but jelly on my tummy, then started to press. It felt like forever, and i thought she was going to give up trying at one point. I was concentrating so hard on her face, trying to tell whether she was panicking or not. I couldn't look at Adam, i think i would have cried, Heather did look a bit worried at one point. After several heart stopping moments we heard it, as clear as anything. It was the best feeling in the world, and has made it all feel so much more real! After being given my proper 'Bounty pack' full of leaflets and brochures etc, and lots of snuggles with Adam, i headed back to work. We had a lovely afternoon at work, it was really busy so the time flew. I got a text on my dinner break from 'Gala Bingo'. We have only ever been there once before and had quite a good time. The text was to tell me that there was an offer on tonight, you could play all night for £5. I quite fancied a night out with Adam so i text him and suggested it. I had a really funny feeling that we ought to go, so i rang Adam after work and said i thought we should, it would be fun. We got a drink and some dinner once we were there and settled down for a couple of games. We won 3 games and a total of £160! Well worth the visit! :D
I am feeling so much better about Fridays scan after hearing that little heartbeat today, and i have a funny feeling I'm going to have sweet dreams tonight! :)
Secondly, i managed to finally get a date for our 12 weeks scan, This Friday at 11:15 (I'll be 13 weeks by then). I've been feeling so nervous about it, just wanting to know that everything is OK.
I had my midwife appointment today, i went into work for an hour and a half, and then caught the bus back and met Adam at the surgery. I hadn't had a wee for 2 hours, so i was convinced my sample would be much less embarrassing than the last two I'd attempted. Kelly's appointment was straight after ours, and as we were over half an hour late going in, we got chance to catch up with her in the waiting area for a while, which was lovely!
When we finally got called in, i did my wee sample (which was majorly impressive i might add!), had my blood pressure checked, went through my blood results etc. Apparently my blood group is A positive, and i have a really good blood count of 14.5. (Honestly, i have no idea what this means!). Heather said, the higher your count is to start with, the more exhausted you get when the baby starts stealing their share! So that very much explains my constant exhaustion! Heather then asked if we wanted to hear the baby's heartbeat!! I squealed and practically leaped onto the bed! She rolled my top up, and but jelly on my tummy, then started to press. It felt like forever, and i thought she was going to give up trying at one point. I was concentrating so hard on her face, trying to tell whether she was panicking or not. I couldn't look at Adam, i think i would have cried, Heather did look a bit worried at one point. After several heart stopping moments we heard it, as clear as anything. It was the best feeling in the world, and has made it all feel so much more real! After being given my proper 'Bounty pack' full of leaflets and brochures etc, and lots of snuggles with Adam, i headed back to work. We had a lovely afternoon at work, it was really busy so the time flew. I got a text on my dinner break from 'Gala Bingo'. We have only ever been there once before and had quite a good time. The text was to tell me that there was an offer on tonight, you could play all night for £5. I quite fancied a night out with Adam so i text him and suggested it. I had a really funny feeling that we ought to go, so i rang Adam after work and said i thought we should, it would be fun. We got a drink and some dinner once we were there and settled down for a couple of games. We won 3 games and a total of £160! Well worth the visit! :D
I am feeling so much better about Fridays scan after hearing that little heartbeat today, and i have a funny feeling I'm going to have sweet dreams tonight! :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Whoop! Progress :)
I have got my first proper driving lesson tomorrow! I'm so excited, and determined, I'm going to do 3 hours a week, and have worked out that iv got about 20 weeks to crack on with it! I'm going to really get my head down to try and do it as quick as possible, to save money (£20 per hour!). Mum and Dad have both given me money towards it, thank goodness!
Stiiilll haven't had my scan date yet, and I'm 12 weeks this Friday!! (eeek). Chased it up with the hospital, and they claimed to never have received my midwife's letter! It was sent on the 18th Jan! So, instead of doing the simple thing and booking me in while i was on the phone, they said id got to ring Heather back, and get her to resend the letter, and then wait for them to write to me with a date. I rang nearly a week ago now and still haven't heard anything. Going to chase it up again tomorrow. Sickness is getting a lot better, and bump is getting bigger :) Other than that we are all pretty much the same :)
Love love love xxx
Stiiilll haven't had my scan date yet, and I'm 12 weeks this Friday!! (eeek). Chased it up with the hospital, and they claimed to never have received my midwife's letter! It was sent on the 18th Jan! So, instead of doing the simple thing and booking me in while i was on the phone, they said id got to ring Heather back, and get her to resend the letter, and then wait for them to write to me with a date. I rang nearly a week ago now and still haven't heard anything. Going to chase it up again tomorrow. Sickness is getting a lot better, and bump is getting bigger :) Other than that we are all pretty much the same :)
Love love love xxx
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
11 +4... prune!
There hasn't been a lot happening to really talk about over the past week or so. The sickness is dying down a little bit. It tends to only be in the evenings now, as I'm getting into bed i tend to lay there for 30 Min's ish feeling awful before i manage to nod off. Bus journeys and lunch times have become much easier.
The apple juice craving is back at its strongest! I am consuming at least 1litre a day, and I'm constantly thirsty.
The tiredness is easing slightly too, I'm still pretty sleepy, but better than i have been.
Kelly's had her scan today and found out that she's 13.5 weeks :) She's got 7 lovely photos and is feeling relieved that the first trimester is over.
I literally cannot wait for that feeling, just knowing that everything is perfect, and the 'dodgy' trimester over, would be the best feeling ever. The second trimester is supposed to be the nicest, energy levels should rise, and sickness should vanish with a bit of luck :)
Last week, Adam and I gathered up some courage and watched 'One born every minute'.. a documentary which shows women giving birth in different circumstances. This was such a big step for both of us, as we are both incredibly squeamish. Iv told Adam all along that its totally his decision whether or not he wants to be there for the birth, i know how bad he is and so will not force him to be there, i know i wouldn't like the idea of having to be around to watch it all. So i have left it that he will be there if he wants to be, if not i don't mind, I'll have my mum either way.The only thing iv said is that i want to know before hand whether he is planning to attend.
He came home from football last week and i had 'One born every minute' on when he came in. Id only just put it on, and was hiding behind a cushion and listening in case id switched it on during a graphic c-section or something. Adam immediately looked uncomfortable. I asked if i should switch it off and he said 'no, lets watch it'. We actually watched a little head come out and everything. I was brave, but still ducking behind a cushion every now and then. Adam sat and watched the whole thing! I was so proud of him!
I was in two minds as to whether watching it would be a good idea, i didn't want to freak myself out even more, but it actually made me feel a lot better. It was a pretty calm one for us to have started with.
We still haven't had our 12 week scan date yet, so I'm going to chase it up tomorrow just to make sure they haven't forgotten us. I'm really looking forward to it.
The weeks are going so fast its scary!
Adam bought his first ever baby items the other day!! Two cream baby grows.. a 'i love mummy' one with a bunny on, and an 'i love daddy' one with a teddy on! He also got a little cream hooded fleecy jumper with both the bunny and teddy on, it has ears on the hood! He was really excited about them, which was so lovely! I'll post photos of them tomorrow when iv charged the camera.
I think bump must have grown a bit the past week or so, this past week iv had a lot of comments from patients, asking when I'm due etc, they must be pretty convinced I'm pregnant and not just fat for them to comment! Threre's no hiding it now!
One lady was sat with her little girl, she said 'look lily, this lady's having a baby. It doesn't look like its going to be in her tummy for much longer!'.. She was so shocked when i told her I'm only 11 weeks! She has decided i am having at least 3 babies, and is coming back in 4 weeks to find out!
Button is now the size of a prune by the way, which i think is rather a cute thought :)
Anyway bed time for the Elce family :)
Night all, love love love xxxx
The apple juice craving is back at its strongest! I am consuming at least 1litre a day, and I'm constantly thirsty.
The tiredness is easing slightly too, I'm still pretty sleepy, but better than i have been.
Kelly's had her scan today and found out that she's 13.5 weeks :) She's got 7 lovely photos and is feeling relieved that the first trimester is over.
I literally cannot wait for that feeling, just knowing that everything is perfect, and the 'dodgy' trimester over, would be the best feeling ever. The second trimester is supposed to be the nicest, energy levels should rise, and sickness should vanish with a bit of luck :)
Last week, Adam and I gathered up some courage and watched 'One born every minute'.. a documentary which shows women giving birth in different circumstances. This was such a big step for both of us, as we are both incredibly squeamish. Iv told Adam all along that its totally his decision whether or not he wants to be there for the birth, i know how bad he is and so will not force him to be there, i know i wouldn't like the idea of having to be around to watch it all. So i have left it that he will be there if he wants to be, if not i don't mind, I'll have my mum either way.The only thing iv said is that i want to know before hand whether he is planning to attend.
He came home from football last week and i had 'One born every minute' on when he came in. Id only just put it on, and was hiding behind a cushion and listening in case id switched it on during a graphic c-section or something. Adam immediately looked uncomfortable. I asked if i should switch it off and he said 'no, lets watch it'. We actually watched a little head come out and everything. I was brave, but still ducking behind a cushion every now and then. Adam sat and watched the whole thing! I was so proud of him!
I was in two minds as to whether watching it would be a good idea, i didn't want to freak myself out even more, but it actually made me feel a lot better. It was a pretty calm one for us to have started with.
We still haven't had our 12 week scan date yet, so I'm going to chase it up tomorrow just to make sure they haven't forgotten us. I'm really looking forward to it.
The weeks are going so fast its scary!
Adam bought his first ever baby items the other day!! Two cream baby grows.. a 'i love mummy' one with a bunny on, and an 'i love daddy' one with a teddy on! He also got a little cream hooded fleecy jumper with both the bunny and teddy on, it has ears on the hood! He was really excited about them, which was so lovely! I'll post photos of them tomorrow when iv charged the camera.
I think bump must have grown a bit the past week or so, this past week iv had a lot of comments from patients, asking when I'm due etc, they must be pretty convinced I'm pregnant and not just fat for them to comment! Threre's no hiding it now!
One lady was sat with her little girl, she said 'look lily, this lady's having a baby. It doesn't look like its going to be in her tummy for much longer!'.. She was so shocked when i told her I'm only 11 weeks! She has decided i am having at least 3 babies, and is coming back in 4 weeks to find out!
Button is now the size of a prune by the way, which i think is rather a cute thought :)
Anyway bed time for the Elce family :)
Night all, love love love xxxx
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